ASA Sportsmanship
Atlanta Swim Association Sportsmanship
The Atlanta Swim Association has a Code of Ethics that is used as a guide for the swim league. Adherence to this code is required, and failure to comply with these standards may result in disciplinary action from the league.
All Team Representatives, Coaches, Participants, Officials, and Spectators will treat other Team Representatives, Coaches, Participants, Officials, and Spectators with respect and civility.
All Team Representatives, Coaches, Participants, Official, and Spectators will lead by example in demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship for all participants.
All Team Representatives, Coaches, Participants, Officials, and Spectators will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all participants, coaches, and officials at every event, practice, and meeting.
All Team Representatives, Coaches, Participants, Officials, and Spectators shall provide support for coaches and officials working with the league to provide a positive and enjoyable experience for all.
All Team Representatives, Coaches, Participants, Officials, and Spectators will place the emotional and physical well being of their participants ahead of a personal desire to win.
All Team Representatives, Coaches, Participants, Officials, and Spectators will treat each participant as an individual, remembering the large range of emotional and physical development of members of the same age group.
All Team Representatives, Coaches, and Officials will do their best to provide a safe playing situation and environment.
All Team Representatives, Coaches, and Officials will do their best to organize practices that are fun and challenging for all participants.
All Team Representatives, Coaches, and Officials will be knowledgeable in the rules of the league and the sport, and will teach these rules to their participants and parents.
All Team Representatives and Coaches will use coaching techniques appropriate for the league and the sport of swimming.
All Team Representatives, Coaches, Participants, Officials, and Spectators must remember that the league is for children and not for adults. The Atlanta Swim Association is an introductory program for recreational swimming. Year round and intensely competitive programs are available from several local US Swimming Clubs.
Individuals not complying with these rules will be subject to suspension or dismissal from the league. A panel of League Officials, Team Representatives and Coaches will be responsible for hearing any complaints pertaining to this rule during the season and rendering any penalty if necessary.